The URA Blog

Securing a Legacy

Written by Mitchell Brown | Jul 23, 2024 5:51:14 PM

For families who have attained high achievement, protecting your wealth is essential. Successful families understand that their assets extend beyond mere financial value. From magnificent estates and yachts to priceless collections and devoted staff, safeguarding these requires a bespoke approach.

Your homes, from beachfront villas to urban penthouses, represent more than an investment—they are a lifestyle. A High-Value Home Insurance policy ensures that in the event of a disaster, your way of life remains uninterrupted. Even additional structures, such as guesthouses and gazebos, need meticulous protection.

For many high achievers, yachts and private boats are more than possessions; they are passions. Marine Insurance is essential, extending coverage across international waters to safeguard against unique maritime risks. From salvage costs to environmental liabilities and luxurious onboard amenities, comprehensive protection is crucial.

Art pieces, exquisite jewelry, and vintage cars are legacies that deserve the highest protection. Scheduled Personal Property Insurance values each item individually, offering peace of mind with "mysterious disappearance" coverage. With appreciating values, inflation protection ensures these treasures remain fully covered.

Your personal staff, including housekeepers, drivers, gardeners, and nannies, are vital to maintaining your lifestyle. Workers' Compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured staff, while liability protection shields you from potential lawsuits.

An umbrella policy provides an additional layer of protection, covering scenarios beyond standard policies. It ensures that all aspects of your life and assets are thoroughly protected.

The increasing frequency and severity of storms, floods, and wildfires have led to significant property damage and higher premiums. The complexity of digital footprints exposes families to cybercrime, necessitating robust cyber insurance policies. High-value properties and significant assets increase the risk of liability claims, making personal excess liability coverage essential.

Insurance carriers now require policyholders to take proactive measures to mitigate risks, such as installing new security systems and fire protection measures, implementing hurricane shutters and wind mitigation devices, and clearing brush around homes and adding ember-resistant vents. These steps not only protect your property but also enhance insurability and potentially lower premiums.

Our team employs a unique, proprietary risk assessment methodology, integrating insights from local and national experts. This consultative process evaluates your personal exposures and identifies tailored solutions, providing recommendations that enhance coverage and manage costs.

Secure your legacy with United Risk Advisors. Speak with one of our Private Client Advisors today to craft a bespoke insurance portfolio that fits your high-achieving lifestyle. Contact us now for a comprehensive Personal Risk Assessment for Wealth Protection.